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Your Guide to Thrifting, Restoration, and DIY Design.

Hello and welcome! I’m Christy, the heart and hands behind this blog. My journey to home decor and restoration is something that I have always loved doing even as a kid. I grew up in a home that was in need of so much repair and as a child there wasn’t much that I was able to do. I would sit and dream of ways to update our home to make it beautiful and cozy. So as an adult I absolutely love envisioning the potential in the old and I love finding ways to make things new with a better purpose. This is our story of embracing simplicity, finding sustainability, and the profound joy of growing and creating with our own hands.

Home Projects

Embark on a transformative journey to a beautiful home using thrifted finds and do it yourself design.


Transform your thrifted finds to reap the rewards of beautiful projects that are nurtured by your own hands.


Rediscover the art of thrifting, finding vintage pieces, and pieces that give you inspiration.


Explore the world of reselling your thrifted finds after redesigning or just simply cleaning it up. It’s a super easy process and we can show you how.

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Hi! I’m Christy!

My journey to home decor and restoration is something that I have always loved doing even as a kid. I would sit and dream of ways to update our home to make it beautiful and cozy. This is our story of embracing simplicity, finding sustainability, and the profound joy of growing and creating with our own hands.

Home Projects

Embark on a transformative journey to a beautiful home using thrifted finds and do it yourself design.

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Introducing my youtube channel

Thrifted Finds and Redesigns

Thrifting – Restoration – DIY DEcor

This channel will serve as a comprehensive roadmap through our projects around our home, thrift trips, furniture restoration, and how we resell our beautiful upcycles and redesigns.

Go to Thrifted Finds and redesigns


Transform your thrifted finds to reap the rewards of beautiful projects that are nurtured by your own hands.

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Rediscover the art of thrifting, finding vintage pieces, and pieces that give you inspiration.


Explore the world of reselling your thrifted finds after redesigning or just simply cleaning it up. It’s a super easy process and we can show you how.